Sunday, April 5, 2009

Traveling Fools

While John's away, the ladies will play. Molly and I have been running around (some more than others) while John toils away at work up in the great Northwest (or the Southwest depending on your (Canadian, eh) perspective). We've seen both sets of grandparents, traveled to Vacationland to see some cousins, aunts, uncles (oh my!), and generally wreaked havoc wherever we've stepped (once again, some more than others).

Nana and Grandpa came to Newburyport last week and took us out to lunch and then took shorty to the park down the street. It is reported that Molly liked to drive the little boat (seasick anyone?) and, as usual, throwing herself down the slide.

We spent the latter half of the week in Maine at Grammy and Grampy's house -- many hands make life a lot easier for mom. We had a doozy of a good time...

Playing with stomp rockets in the backyard. Molly has a good stomp, which isn't always accurate, but it's always done with a lot of effort.

Checking out the frogs in the pond. Molly kept stealthily inching closer to try and find the frogs. If she had ended up in the pond, I'm not sure she would have found that problematic.

Taking walks (over roaring rivers -- yikes) -- or better yet, picking up rocks on a walk. I tried to encourage using a bucket to store the rocks rather than one's cheeks

Taking little doggies for walks... or something approximating a walk. Better to try and play with wooden doggies rather than flesh and bone cats. My parents' poor cats did not know what to do with Operation Molly. She really wanted to be gentle (even saying "gentle" and "nice" when she would pat them) but could not contain her high decibel squeal of excitement with each cat spotting.

Reading all sorts of interesting things... canoe guides, bird books, science fiction. We're working hard on sitting in chairs instead of using them as launching pads. Molly ended day #1 with bruise that was suspiciously reminiscent of the slats on the coffee table.

We also finally met newest cousin Evan. Babies are cute cute cute. Thanks to everyone for all the help, yummy dinners, Molly chasing, and good company.


Kate and Davis said...

Great pictures of your travels. I'm tired just looking at them.

John said...

I second that, Katie. Missing everybody up here from the Phoenix of Canada, but wanted to leave thanks to all of Molly's aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, friends, and pets for making sure she's getting her required amounts of stomping and laughs. Wish I could be there - looking forward to getting home!

Kate said...

Come home!

John said...

Hey Kate - I took your advice and decided to come home today. Great idea! Hope to see you guys soon - say hi to Wils.