Monday, December 7, 2009

Birthday Bash: Part One

We celebrated Molly's birthday a few days early since she and I will be on the east coast without John for her actual big day. Although she has persisted in saying that she's 20 months when you ask her how old she is, she started saying that she is two years old (sometimes) last night. Couldn't get the fingers working with the statement but she's trying.

She had to feel her way around her birthday hat before it ended up on her noggin.

When she realized that the hat meant people sang to her, though, she was a little mad hatter.

Mmmmhhh... special treat.

Some candle blowing tutelage.

oooooohhh... presents!

When the ladybug piggy bank is empty, it doubles as a viewfinder.

Oh boy, money. This puppy is now about half full after scrounging around for all the change in the house. John told her to fill fast if she wants to go to college.

She also got a water table -- not the best idea to give it to her right before bedtime. She would have happily stuffed change or splashed in water until the wee hours.

1 comment:

Holly said...

great pics! at first I thought that the "special treat" might be the glass of vino on the table... :)