Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hide Out

A whatfeltlikeaveryveryverylong spate of cold, rainy weather kept us indoors a bunch over the last several weeks. Surprisingly, this has been okay with the hermit crabs and Jack has bulked up on his already-healthy dose of train table time and Molly keeps creating these very detailed imaginary worlds of playdates, restaurants, schooldays, whatever else creeps into her quirky little mind. When the little monkeys aren't bopping each other over the head (literally. The elder stateswoman keeps getting mad that the junior senaakin is taking her stuff so she does it out of utter frustration and he does it purely to elicit a shrieking reaction out of her. Which he does. Every time), they have found activities to play together that keep each of them quite contained, I mean content, and happy. One of their top two is building a fort of some kind (the other being chase and mean old mom usually puts a stop to that right quick since I've seen way too many bonked heads when navigating by the dining table). It's always interesting to see  and hear what happens with the people behind the curtain... errr... sheet.

1 comment:

Kate and Davis said...

Holy smokes! Look at all of Molly's hair!!