Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Toot Toot. Meow Meow.

Kids in costumes simply don't need any narratives. They are just so stinking cute. We were on a pretty popular trick-or-treating beat this year and we got to see so many adorable munchkins (and some odd solo adults who were not cute at all) traipse up our steps in all their finery. Molly-the-black-cat was so excited to go out trick-or-treating and Jack-the-train-engineer looked forward  to "go for walk" with Dad all day. He picked up on the less healthy part of the walk pretty quickly, I was told, and both small people came home with their pumpkins full of goodies. 

Once home, a single piece of candy induced dance party ensued to exorcise all the ghosties and goblins of Halloween 2011, complete with my other favorite part of the holidays -- matching pajamas. 

Happy November!


Shark Bisket One said...

Great costumes, and I love the dancing skeletons.

Kate and Davis said...

Sorry, I didn't realize I was in as my sharky treat husband

Liz said...

Adorable! Love the sibling dance party. Can't wait to see those cuties TOMORROW!

Holly said...

Love it! So cute