Saturday, June 7, 2008

Feed Me

Molly decided it was time to try some big kid food. She looked so longingly at people when they were eating that we couldn't deny her the fun any longer. She has happily gobbled up bananas and oatmeal but had an initially chillier reaction to avocados. She has since reconsidered and enjoyed sharing my avocado at lunch today. We'll see what she thinks of sweet potatoes next.

Feeding her is definitely easier (and neater) but not nearly as fun for her. She is amenable to letting others do the work but likes moving under her own steam a little bit better.



Kristin said...

Yay for Molly and the world of food. Riley too was not keen on avacados...but gobbles them up mixed with bananas - a bananacado!

Kate said...

Yum-O! Molly looks like her spoon skills are better than her friend Hannah's already!