Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Pappy Day

Even though Father's Day is a little gray and rainy, it doesn't diminish our celebration of the great fathers and grandfathers that we enjoy in this household. Thanks to all of you for being great dads.

We had planned on going canoing today but the weather didn't cooperate enough to actually get on the water. Molly took a dry run, though, and all seems well.

We decided to do a little tree trimming in an attempt to mitigate the blanket of tree sap and accompanying pollen in our front yard. John got after the tree but Molly was a little nervous with him all the way up there.

Despite our change in plans, Molly was tuckered out this afternoon. She still wanted to make sure to tell her dad something.


Anonymous said...

So cute! I like the "one shoe on, one shoe off" look. Molly looks very comfortable in the canoe!

Kate said...

Dad looks a little scary in this post....I don't blame Molly for being nervous!