Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Big Day

We can hardly contain our excitement around here because it's John's birthday. Woo wee! I could get super sappy and blubber on about how happy we are to get to celebrate the big day with him but I decided that the best birthday present I could give John was to just stick to the facts and say happy birthday (in a very serious voice). We did some celebrating over the weekend and then we'll do the cake tonight -- and there is no one who has been more excited about his birthday than the curly/crazy haired blond tornado. The lesson learned: don't share any secrets with her just yet. She's not really good at the whole "mums the word" thing. We plotted a surprise birthday breakfast... that quickly became front page news... and then Molly kept saying "thanks for the surprise, Daddy!". Today at school, she told the teacher that she was painting for her daddy's birthday... and that her birthday is in December and Jack and Mama's birthdays are in October. She's a shameless self promoter. Not to be outdone, Jack has been scaring up his own birthday treat -- unbelievable amounts of drool. 

As an aside, John is a super duper dad. He has been Molly's point man lately and manages to chase her during her running games at night long after I feel like I've run a half marathon and lost some steam. He manages to find creative ways to keep her focused (and that's saying something) long after I've lost my last creative brain cell of the day. And, he comes up with lots of smiles for Jack even when his nice crisp shirt get yakked on, long after I've rung out my shirt for the 37th time that day. I feel really, really lucky to have him as my compadre in life and on this crazy ride called parenthood. These kids love him so dang much and he's well worth the love! And yes, I'm allowed to get slightly sappy because this was an aside...


Liz said...

I love a good sappy post, even if it is just an aside. Happy Birthday JJ!

Kate said...

happy b'day John!

Jessie Reardon said...

John + Jack + Molly walking = me crying. As always.