Friday, April 16, 2010

Little Funny Man

Each month in Vanity Fair there is a small bit called In Character where famous actors are given three hypothetical scenarios and their reactions to each are photographed. It's usually something like "you've just realized that your blind date is your second cousin" or "you're a clerk in a store and deathly afraid of clowns -- and one just walked into the store" (Liz), etc. It's a funny little tidbit and the more physical the actor, the better (see here if I'm not making any sense). Jack and I were clowning around this afternoon and it's almost as if he wanted to be in the next issue (I, once again, put words in his mouth)... 

 You've just been told that the vase you broke was $300... "oooohhh, really? Sor-ry" 

You're trying to avoid being picked for a role playing exercise in class... "who me? I'm sorry, did you say something?" 

You've just been told that there's a ghost in the next room... "Wha?"

You're from Southie and are trying to explain to the dry cleaner that your favorite track suit has a stain... "Now listen heah, guy..."

And, after a long time of amusing mom, stick a fork in him, we're done. 


Kate said...

I'm laughing outloud at the commentary- nicely done!

Beth said...

That's one adorable baby and one funny mom!

Holly said...

Priceless! I love In Character. You should be writing it.

Jessie Reardon said...

You have a real talent.