Monday, April 19, 2010

Moving and Shaking

This weekend we went to Vancouver because my friend Ellen was in town to celebrate her wedding anniversary with her lovely (and child-charming) husband, John. It was great to see them (Ellen is really and truly one of the funniest people I know, and who hates to laugh?) and visit the big city at the same time. We went back to Stanley Park and the aquarium and while Molly likes the aquarium, her interest tends to lie more in trying to unlock locked doors, climb up every viewing platform known to man, and wiggling her way into small spaces. The big sea animals are sort of eh for her (not for me. Love 'em) and she tends to enjoy things like big tanks of orange swimmers, ugly bottom-feeding fish who look like they have cataracts, and sting rays. More than anything, though, this aquarium has lots of ramps and risers to run up and down and climb. I think that's the real win for her. Jack was pretty chill while we were looking at the fishes but is in the drop game stage and just wanted to play over and over and over and over at the restaurant. Of course.

It's so funny to see Molly get shy around new people and then try to charm them by being busy and mischievous (not really sure it works). Jack, meanwhile, is trying to lull people into playing his new favorite game with his mono-dimpled smile (but I think peeps will catch on to him). It's always busy but luckily, we find their antics entertaining and are charmed day in and day out. Good ol' mom and dad are always good for a laugh. I didn't break out my camera enough in the city (since I was trying to steer Molly towards the actual touch tank) but these munchkins have been plenty busy at home, too.

Molly takes safety as seriously as her dad -- especially when the activity involves a magic wand.

This guy likes to bounce as much as his sister -- who is still bouncing under her own steam.

 Out of the blue, Molly has become interested in her babies. She has always had sporadic interest but all of a sudden, she's taking Baby outside and spending a long time sending her down the slide, feeding PJ 35 times a day, and dressing/undressing/dressing/undressing Maggie May and Rachel Rebecca. It's a very curious change of events to see her talking, feeding, and changing her babies. It's almost as if she has an attention span!

 The sunny Okanagan is baaaack and we've been soaking up our vitamin D (and C).

And other times we're trying to make clever escapes... oh, the mischief these two get into.


Liz said...

Seriously, how cute is that little funny man?? Can't wait to see you guys later this week!

Holly said...

It seems like Molly's hair is getting longer with every post!