Friday, August 20, 2010

Ego Mania

Tonight for dinner we had tamale pie (don't be jealous, it does sound amazing, I know). Someone thought it was called Molly pie, though... all through dinner I heard "mmmmhhh... Molly pie is delicious". I'm not sure my concoction would have garnered the same enthusiasm had it not had a ringing familiarity to the name.

Lesson learned? If you want your kid to eat something, name it after them. Their little (developmentally appropriate) ego-mania won't be able to stand it.

Captain Band-aid has nothing to do with tonight's dinner... but this was the scene I was greeted with the other day when nap time was over (it was apparently over sooner than I realized). 

1 comment:

Beth said...

Great food tip --- I'll try it!

Molly & Jonah would have so much fun sharing a box of band-aides.