Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick

I got an email from a friend the other day that asked some questions about Jack and she said "I want to know him better!". Well, since my little man hasn't seen some folks in awhile, I thought he deserved a little Jack-focused update. 

Jack's a little smiler. He is really, really easy going but likes to get his mitts into everything (I know, it seems like a contradiction) or is better described as being busy but doesn't need to call attention to himself. Okay, no, he loves pretending that he doesn't seek attention but really, I know better. Naturally, he turns coy as soon as someone coos at him and turns away and buries his head in a shoulder so that he can flirt his way out with a big, wacky-toothed grin. He waves, gives high fives, and just started saying mama (it is undeniably heart-melting to hear your little boy utter the word), which is usually aimed in my general direction.

He is interested in whatever Molly is doing and wants to play with all her stuff (that goes over super well) but will also entertain himself for a surprisingly long time. He likes to bang on instruments, chew on blocks (and crayons), spread toys around, chug water, and eat sand. I thought Molly was a water baby but uh uh, no way, not compared to Jack. He loves getting knocked over by waves and sticking his face in the lake. He comes up with that big wide-eyed grin. I think he is just used to being mauled so a little water in the face is nothing to get excited about. He is a fast little man and cruises around all the furniture he can reach, but his body needs to catch up with his giant head and thighs before he'll be able to walk without assistance. He faithfully does his daily squats, though, so maybe he's trying to slim down. I like his little thigh rolls right now, though, because while he actually tans (yeah!), his creases are still lilly white. 

Jack's fussy moments come when he's hungry and thirsty. The shriek that can emanate from the small guy temporarily makes me think that an exorcism is occurring. He gets hungry and gets hungry NOW. The kid can suck down water from a sippy cup like he has thirty seconds left on earth. Blueberries and nectarines are his favorite foods but will happily nosh on any fruit or veggie. He is actually pretty easy to please as long as you keep tossing food his way -- and far prefers to feed himself, which makes my life easier (what a guy) because he munches on mostly the same foods that the rest of us eat. He's insanely messy but I've gotten better about giving near daily baths (sigh) now so what the heck. He's a good sleeper these days, even though I'm pretty sure he and Molly pow wow the night before to decide who is going to wake up at 6:30am and who is going to sleep in. It's nice that these guys are already working in cahoots. Boo. 

So, there's a little snapshot of our little buddy. He's a funny little dude who keeps me on my toes but doesn't keep me dancing in quite the same way as his sister does. Phew. My sanity and I are definitely a big fan of the complementary personalities. 


Liz said...

Love it! God he's cute. It's funny how there is so much similarity to Molly in some pictures, but none in others. I can't wait to see the little man in person. In the meantime, thanks for all the juicy tidbits!

Kate and Davis said...

Love the Jack update - hope we can see him when you guys are around. Oh - and I love his smile - he looks like such a happy guy.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh I love this! Nectarines? How random. He is so adorable, i can't wait to play with him in a few weeks!!!

And ps, 6:30 would be sleeping in at this house.

still can't remember my google password.

Holly said...

What a little cutie. Can't wait to see all of you in person in a couple of weeks!

Beth said...

Jack is so cute! That's all I can say...cute, cute, cute!