Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18 Months... But Who's Counting?

The 18 month mark came and went last month for Mr. Baby Jack but since he hasn't radically changed in the last three weeks, I think this post can still be relevant. Who is my little man at a year and a half? Oh my, he's a sweet boy who is always looking for a good time.
- Wants to be in the midst of EVEYTHING? Check. Aye yay yay.
- Wants to do whatever Big Sister is doing? Check. This goes his way sometimes, and others, not so much.
- Mugs for the camera with a big ol' "cheeeeeeeeeeeese"? Check. It's like he smells a lens a mile away.
- Has early onset wild and crazy hair? Check. Wings.
- Loves his daddy and gets manic when he walks in the door? Check. Knows his car, knows his footsteps, and I'm expecting a whiplash injury to occur soon.
- Talks more and more each day to the point that I wonder if just waited to talk until he had an internal quota of words? Check. Many words still require translating but the window into his needs is pretty nice.
- Finds the nook on mom's neck to snuggle in before bed each night? Check. I love it.
- Backs into someone's lap like a box truck backing up when he wants to read books? Check. I think to myself "beep, beep, beep" every time.
- Has the deepest, most exuberant belly laugh that I've ever heard on anyone -- man, woman, or child? Check. It's infectious and hilarious.
- Squeals like a honking seal when there is something he wants and either can't have it or can't have it fast enough? Check. Dislike.
- Reaches new levels of motivation each day to climb and finagle new ways of getting food from the 'fridge, cabinets, bags, etc? Check. Welcome to the world of continuous bruising.
- Continues to throw big, fat, noisy fits when he gets frustrated? Check... but only if someone is watching. I've literally seen him face down on the floor, look for me, not see me and get up and toddle off. Drama, drama, drama.
- Is surprisingly coordinated, dextrous, and possess good fine motor skills? Check. I am terribly uncoordinated and clumsy so I never expected much beyond superior foot-tripping skills from my little ones.
- Possesses unflagging determination for making sly escapes. Check. It's awesome.

I love this age. I love the curiosity, the simplicity, the unfettered enthusiasm for life. I love this little boy.


Liz said...

Love the snapshot of where Jack is these days. What a cutie. He looks a lot like Molly in that last pic. My boys do the dump truck back up when wanting to read story's hilarious when they miss the lap entirely (maybe Jack doesn't do that since he's more coordinated?). Happy belated 18 months Jack! Are you really 18 months already?!

Kate said...

SO stinkin' cute!! I love that he has the hair curls -- adorable. Will does that back up thing too -- and will point at a chair indicating he'd like me to sit down when he wants to play. They know how to get their points across huh? I really can't wait to get these boys together and watch them have fun together now that they are both mobile!

Jessie Reardon said...

Wow! So cute! And I can't stand his hair. Also, can't believe you actually let him do finger paints in the house!! I am sending Ruby out there so she can experience it.

Holly said...

Wow he is getting big. I see you in most of those shots but a lot of John in that last one. Love the hair!!

Jamie said...

he is so beautiful!! love those curls!

Kate and Davis said...

The curls are incredible! And his smile is priceless. I was thinking he and Molly looked nothing alike - then the last picture came along...Hope we can get together at some point so I can spend time with Jack.