Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Plenty of Christmas Tunes... but no Pat

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes and inquiries. Thanks especially to all the moms (and dads) and babies who are encouraging Pat to come out because it's not so scary out here!

There's lots of activity, just not the kind which we like to call "labor". But there are lots of kicks and contractions so someone is getting warmed up in there. I think the Pirate will take after her/his dad -- sometimes a little late but when he/she decides he/she wants something, there's a force to be reckoned with.

So, no baby pics but here is a giant Christmas tree shot. It really doesn't do the tree justice but trust me, it's big (but lovely).

More storms this week so Pat may choose to make an appearance during one of them (or not)!


Kate said...

Oof - I was hoping the lack of communication from you today was a good sign. That stinks!! Hurry up Pat - we want to meet you!

Melissa said...

Naw, your text just didn't come through until about 11pm last night. Sorry to disappoint!