Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday, 39 weeks +1 day

It's Tuesday evening, but I've squeaked in under the wire in getting today's post in. I'll try and get pictures scanned and up tomorrow but I had an ultrasound today and Pirate Pat is looking decidedly less Pirate-y these days. Plumper, bigger, and well, bigger is about all I could see. There is very little room inside there but Pat was happily sucking its thumb or hand. The sonographer's guess was about a 7 lb 14 oz little one so we'll see how accurate she is. She thinks he/she has a long head but not too wide (phew) and a beer gut, or a big belly anyway. She pointed out hair and eye lashes, which is really amazing. I don't think those will show up on anything that get scanned but it was pretty neat to see on the screen. Really, though, no one can tell anything until he/she is out in the breathing world. The good news is that she confirmed that Pat's locked and loaded and in a good position.

Hope everyone is keeping warm! It's chilly out there!


Beth said...

Oh my gosh, I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!

Sarah Lowe said...

Hurry up little Pat! We're waiting!