Thursday, December 13, 2007

There was Dasher and Dancer and Prancer... and no Pat

Pirate Pat Watch 2007 continues. I'm 3 or 1 days past my due date(s)depending on whose calendar you're going by. Considering that "full term" is anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks, I'm obviously well within that time frame. Now that I'm not working, thus not commuting, I'm actually feeling pretty good. Car rides aren't so fun. So, John continues to work but with his cell phone fully charged, I'm doing little projects, going for walks, and visiting with people kind enough to come visit, and Harry is throwing up.

No interesting pictures today but here are some links to two interesting articles.

First is something that my mom sent about a piece on NPR this morning about the evolution of women's spines to carry babies. What our bodies do is rather amazing on many levels but I hadn't seen this aspect of the discussion.

Secondly, my brother sent this yesterday and it could explain why the Pirate is choosing to stay inside. I won't turn this into a political rant but maybe Pat is a little disgusted with the pig-headedness of a certain vice president.


Beth said...

Poor Harry! Is he anxious about the new arrival or is that normal for him?

Melissa said...

I didn't mean to alarm anyone. It's normal for Harry. He finds things that make him puke and then eats them over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Pat, come out, come out, wherever you are!! The new camera is all ready for you!