Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heady Hands

Jack is in love with his hands. Totally infatuated. I'm not sure any potential love interest could compete with the hands at this point. It's probably just as well because with his enormous head, I'm not sure we'd have any other takers. Like his sister, his noggin is big, bald, and (I think) beautiful.

We went to see the nurse for shots yesterday and when she measured his head she told me that his head circumference is in the 95 percentile. She then explained "that means his head is bigger than 95 percent of boys his age." Yeah, I know what it means. I pushed that sucker out so I'm on board with what it means.

1 comment:

Jessie Reardon said...

Oh my gosh he looks so much like Molly in these photos- Ruby's obsessed with her hands, too!