Friday, February 12, 2010

Whistler Dixie

My brain is occupied by the excitement of the opening ceremonies tomorrow so I can't think of what we've been up to. Here are some pictures of the peanuts instead.

Are you so excited? Opening. Ceremonies.

Who knew that February 12 was going to be such a big day? Olympics, my nephew's first birthday, and my parents are giving my childhood home the heave ho. Yowza.

Yes, mom, you've told me a bazillion times how much you love the bleeping Olympics.

Lady, why don't you get it?

Here's someone who is sharing my excitement.

Oh wait, it's about her smoothie, not the Olympics.


Kate and Davis said...

Happy February 12th!

Jessie Reardon said...

When did Molly's hair get so long???? In the last 3 days???