Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pulling the Red Handle

Molly's birthday wish list is going to contain exactly one item this year: duct tape. The duct tape is actually for me. I'm thinking about wrapping my little mischief maker in tape for our outings from now on. A little mini mummy, if you will. Many, many, many little klepto incidents have spurred this decision but now may be the time to execute.

Jack has had to have a couple of ultrasounds over the past two days. One was to look at his head because, well, it's huge (I didn't have luck convincing our pediatrician that big heads run in this family) and the other was to check his belly because of his tidal waves of spit up. Molly didn't accompany us to the head one because a friend offered to watch her. I showed up to it yesterday only to find out that the belly one had been rescheduled for today (seriously? just move the wand down a foot -- the boy isn't that big. Anyway...). Since yesterday's procedure was short, I figured today's would be the same and Molly could tag along since she's obsessed with all things obstetrical anyway. When we showed up, the technician told me that she's going to measure a bunch of his organs and internal gobbildy gook since she's wanding around anyway. Not a good sign for my impatient little lady. She was SO good and I could tell that she was really trying to keep her mitts to herself and not touch all the machinery in the room despite her love of buttons and baby monitoring devices. I had to hold Jack in position so I couldn't corral her much. At one point she found a cord hanging on the wall and was batting it around pretty benignly (or so I thought). Next thing, a man burst into the room asking if we're all okay... apparently it was some sort of emergency button/pull cord. Oops. Good to know that their emergency response procedures are up and running.

Thankfully, everyone was very kind about the whole incident and told me other funny stories about emergency cord mishaps. Ah, thank you. After our hospital adventure, we stopped at the store to get fun and exciting things like toilet paper and toothbrushes. Next thing I know there, someone has dropped in a tube of, well, KY intimate massage oil in with our stuff. Seriously? I didn't even know that we had passed that aisle much less that sticky fingers had snagged something and dropped it in our basket. I swear, I watch her like a hawk in stores so that she isn't hauled off to the clinker for thieving at the ripe old age of two. I was going to just drop it in the aisle where we were and no one would be the wiser until I realized that we were in front of the kids toothbrushes and toothpaste. I could only imagine the horror that the next mother might experience when she stumbled across that inappropriately stocked goody. Of all the things she could have taken, a KY product??

Curiosity is going to kill this cat...

Nice face... and nice accessorizing. There's nothing like two headbands to accompany strawberry face.

Molly has started to get very opinionated about her outerwear. Doesn't give much of a darn about her inside clothing (except that she'd prefer to be sans pants most of the time) but is very insistent about her jackets and shoes. There was not a cloud in sight or a drop of rain in the forecast this day but rain boots and jacket it was.

Ever since Greg and Meg were here and we used our Camelbacks a bunch, this is the preferred drinking method all the time around here.

The little (big headed) man is just fine, thankfully. Just carrying around a big ol' set of smarts.


Liz said...

Hilarious post! I especially love the picture of Molly with two headbands and strawberry face. Glad Jack's tests proved all ok!

Kate said...

Yes - glad all Jack's tests came out okay! That headband picture is hilarious!

Kate and Davis said...

So funny- and so glad that Jack is ok.