Monday, March 1, 2010

Slip Sliding Away

Jack is getting FUN. Smiles, raspberries, belly laughs -- he's having some good times these days. Mr. I Don't Like To Sleep Because I Miss Things still encourages visitors to wear ponchos while holding him, but I think Auntie Holly only got slimed on her socks during her visit this weekend. Progress! Eric and Mary passed along Emmy and Katy's exersaucer so Jack has started taking it for test drives... and Molly keeps trying to shimmy her way in. Like I'm not going to notice when a giant plastic thing starts tipping over. Luckily, her number one fan can find no fault in her so he gives her a pass. The meany, fun-spoiling mom is the one who puts a stop to shenanigans. That girl has never let a small, clearly uncomfortable looking space pass her by.

happiness is watching a wild show from one older sister


Good Golly Miss Molly is still grooving and enjoying our recent spell of lovely weather. She got a new slide from Nana and Grandpa for Christmas and we set it up for her today. We've dragged her on enough walks lately that we figured it was time to let her enjoy the 50-degree weather on her own terms.
Muscles Magoo wanted to show off her tumbling moves.

Sliding while bubbling = very interesting hand/eye coordination stunts (and isn't done very successfully).

We're in the midst of a small slew of visitors -- it's always super fun to have folks swing up and over. Molly will hunt you down every morning to show her appreciation! We want to give Holly a hearty thank you for enduring hours of curling coverage because Molly was obsessed with the women's final. Speaking of which... I'm not sure how I felt about all of the closing ceremonies. Giant beavers? Oversized Mounties? Huh. Interesting choices. I also want apologize to those of you who had to draw conclusions about the Finnish hockey team's good looks based on their post game coverage yesterday. I didn't know humans could sweat that much, good gracious me.


Kate said...

Jack is so cute! Such a fun age - enjoy! And the good weather - it's coming this way soon we hope. I'm sick of rain and more rain (we haven't gotten any snow from all these recent storms). And I concur - the closing ceremonies were not the highlight of my Olympic experience. It was fine - a good way to end I suppose!!

Liz said...

Adorable shots all around. It looks like springtime has arrived there! Can't wait until we can get outside with jackets here.

Holly said...

It was so great to see you guys! I already miss you all, especially my fickle little friend.