Friday, October 22, 2010

Fish Kiss

When I was little, someone asked me what my dad did for a job. "He counts sheets" is what I told them. Of course he did. Doesn't every hospital in the country need a sheet counter? I mean, my dad is good at math, he likes things orderly, and... I've got nuthin' else. I did think it was a cool job, though. What goes around comes around, apparently, because when Molly asked where John was the other day and when I said "at work, downtown", she said (with complete certainty), "oh, he's kissing the fish". Ummmm... Me: "Is that what dad does at work?" Molly: "Yup" and she went back to her readily scheduled programming like it was no big deal. In all fairness, there is a fish tank at John's work and I guess I never got a copy of his official job description so maybe she's on to something? The real question is if it's demotion since she used to report that he would "look at his computer and talk on the phone" at work. Frankly, that sounds pretty boring compared to kissing fish. 


Anonymous said...


Kate and Davis said...

Love it! What a great job!