Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Help Me Help You

Remember how Molly likes to sit in her Cozy Coupe and order up her coffees (large double double or a latte)? She recently realized that she was missing an important piece of her game... the order taker:

Hello, my name is Jack, how may I help you?

And guess what else she taught him? Monkey see, monkey do... 

I wish I could blame the giant bruise on his forehead from this madness but unfortunately, homeboy is trying to figure out walking on his own two little feet and isn't so good at it yet. I'm not sure who won the battle today -- Jack or the rock he face-planted into. Luckily, he can accessorize his way out of any situation...

It's fun/funny/sometimes frightening watching these two monkeys become better and better friends (or maybe frenemies would be a better description...). Oh, there are plenty of disagreements (they usually go like this: Molly is coloring or doing stickers or stealing Jack's toys and I hear a "no Buddy, no Buddy, NO BUDDY, BUD-DDY NO. MOM, BUDDY WANTS MY [insert toy] " I look over and Jack's often nowhere near where Molly is and is happily entertaining himself by looking for uncovered outlets where he can electrocute himself. Trying to point out the obvious fact -- that Jack isn't interested in her stuff right this second -- is usually an exercise in futility, and I'm usually deaf from the protestations by the end of it) but there are more and more really sweet moments when they play together, make each other laugh, and she shows him new tricks. Today, we were riding to the playground and I said something to Molly and she said "Mom, you interrupted me and Buddy. We were talking." There you go... of course I did. Have at it, kids. 


Kate and Davis said...

I love that Molly calls Jack Buddy - and that they are, at least some of the time, buddies. Good luck to jack on the walking!

Liz said...

Love this post - you're so funny Meliss! Sibling dynamics are one of my favorite parts of parenthood. I think Jack looks a lot like Molly in the first shot.

Kate said...

Will is "buddy" in our house too..... wonder if Hannah picked it up from Molly this summer. We had no idea where it came from! Love Jack "taking orders!"