Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Well Trained

October can only mean one thing around these parts (these parts being wherever I happen to live)... Halloween is a-coming! I really, really like the costumes, the decorations (admittedly these have been weak for the past few years given some people's propensity for messing with my stuff), the candy corn, the cute kids... I love it all. I've made Molly's costumes for the past two years and was planning on making her agreed-upon (in February) spider costume this year... until she decided that she wanted to be a train conductor instead. I'm a bit stymied about how to go about making this (I'm pretty sure I can't pull off making a conductor hat. I'm not really a precision sewer). I have some ideas and will probably end up having to buy parts of it but if anyone has any suggestions, let me know... my best idea was to try and steer her back to being a spider but her willpower seems to have quadrupled lately and I have a feeling that my time is better spent figuring out this train conductor deal rather than go up against the force of the blonde tornado.



Liz said...

Did you buy the spider jammies to try to convince the train conductor to reconsider? Adorable!

Kate said...

Those spider jammies are SO cute!