Monday, June 15, 2009

Hug-a-mom-and-dad day

I know that several people out there love their moms as much as I love mine so I'm not embarrassed to post that I'm going to miss my mom more than all the blog posts in the world can describe. She's an outstanding mom, an outstanding grammy, a terrific and patient mentor, and a wonderful, one of a kind friend. She has been our knight in shining armor when we needed a last minute babysitter or I've gotten sick and can't quite fathom how I'm going to get through the day. She also does the fun stuff with us -- beaches, books, eating messy foods... I know this transition hasn't been easy on her either, but she's kept up good spirits for the rest of us.

I often talk about my mom, but my dad should also get one of those #1 dad mugs, too. He has lamented that he doesn't feel like he can do as much to help out since he's still working a few days a week, building a new kitchen at their house, and generally being Mr. Fixit, but I don't think he realizes how often and how much he does help despite all his other commitments. I call him with questions about my lawn mower, we get to talk about boring (to other people) health care stuff, and he always comes through with super babysitting or daughter-sitting as needed.

Both my parents are superstars and really, really wonderful grandparents. I KNOW that I didn't appreciate them enough until I had my own baby and realized that this whole parenting thing is hard work, full of rewards, but hard nonetheless (have you met my brothers?!). They will be missed... I'm not sure even I understand how much I'll miss them until the day that I am frazzled and need help and don't have them right down the road. But, I know that they'll still love all of us just as much when we come back and really, they are just a trip to the airport, a six hour flight, a layover, another flight, and a trip home from the airport away. What? That's nothin'.

I'm posting this today for a couple of reasons. First, our departure this morning was a little groggy and rushed so I only had time for quick hugs (good planning on my part) and I want them to know that I love and will miss them. Secondly, this blog is a way to record little bits of childhood whimsy and history for Molly and Skeletor. I hope someday, as they wade through my ramblings, that they understand what wonderful people their grandparents are (all of them -- the Doyles have their own #1 mugs with their names on them. More blog fodder for another day!) and that while they think their own parents are, oh, super duper party troupers, they fully understand that we see what we see and are who we are in large part because of our parents. After all, even Newton realized that "if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

So, if you're close enough to hug your mom or dad, give them a squeeze for me. When my parents come knock, knock, knocking our door for a visit, I'll be sure to do the same.


Kate said...

Well said Melis - and I'm sure your parents will be knock knock knocking before too long!!

Liz said...

I second everything you said here, Melissa - thanks for the reminder of how special parents are!