Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Hate To Leave You, But I Really Must Say...

Ugh, I HATE saying goodbye. I like living in denial -- really, it's a much nicer place. Since I KNOW I have an issue with it, it's almost like I can pretend that it's not really an issue, right? That's exactly what I would say to a client (ahem, no) so I'll just take my own advice...

When I left my job at the hospital, my supervisor and I talked a lot about this problemo of mine. I am, perhaps, his #1 fan and I just could not say a final goodbye. For weeks and weeks, I was a classic avoider -- talking about random issues just so that we didn't get ever get around to terminating (what a terrible term). In the end, it turned out he was just as bad as I was about it so we got to part ways with a wave and a see you tomorrow. That's pretty much how I'm handling some of my current partings. This time, though, it's at least partially true. We will be back in "hey, did you guys leave yet?" quick two years. No, it won't be the same, but different isn't necessarily bad, right? Anyway, Jessie and Chris hosted a going away party with our playgroup last week and it was lovely and because everyone was chasing kids, I really didn't have to do many big goodbyes (my kid, meanwhile, made an escape to the second floor, fell down the stairs, and ate two thirds of the Elmo cake because I was busy telling people that we'd-see-them-in-August-so-there-really-wasn't-any-point-in-saying-goodbye-now). It was only after I left that I cried because it meant so much to me that they'd all come out to see us off (and gave Molly a collage of all her little friends. It's so sweet and she loves it). It really was lovely, thank you to everyone. Tonight, we had to say goodbye to Molly's babysitter for the past year, Pamela. Not seeing Pamela show up at our door every Tuesday is going to be traumatic for both Molly and me. She is WONDERFUL with her and it's really not every day that you find a sitter who loves your babe like she does. I can't even begin to replicate everything that she taught her. I dealt with this goodbye by asking her to come back on Thursday. Seemed much easier that way.

Soon, however, our goodbyes will turn into exciting hellos -- hello to visitors who make the trek out to Penticton, hello to the west coast (a friend of mine tried to tell me that the west coast is the best coast... we shall see), and, of course, new bebes. In honor of our hellos (and growing bebes), here is a twenty week belly shot of the new munchkin -- juxtaposed with little Pirate Molly when she was on the inside. I've gained little weight this time but the belly feels about twenty times bigger at this point in the game. Maybe it's because my derriere isn't pretending to carry its own baby this time around.

Le basketball #2

Le basketball #1 (am I even preggers?)

We did have our big gender-revealing ultrasound last Friday. I'm excited to report that we're having a... baby. No, we didn't find out. I know all you planners out there are having a coronary but despite my peeking a little this time, I really don't want to know. I liked having it be a mystery in the delivery room last time because it gave me something to focus on while I was screaming (I'm pretty sure the midwife, nurse, and John were focused on when I would stop screaming -- yikes, I think I was scary). We also didn't come up with a fitting moniker for him/her yet. All that kept coming to mind for me was Skeletor, which is not very nice (although if our new house looks anything like Castle Grayskull then I'll let it stick).

Back to our external offspring, Molly is getting into the moving spirit by jumping the gun and helping me unpack boxes that I've just packed. It's not at all helpful. Here's another way that she helps:

I think she thought going out west by USPS might be more fun than our flight next week.

She also got into her work mode this morning and had to keep her unruly, humidity-induced frizz out of her face like yours truly.

Thanks to all those that have helped out in the last several weeks. From giving us boxes to plumber-sitting and from Molly-watching to freezer-cleaning, you all are the best and I really, really couldn't have done any of it without you. And now, I bid you goodnight (but I'll be back in a few days... this isn't goodbye).


Jessie Reardon said...

Ahhh, my favorite part of this is that you asked Pamela to come back on Thursday!! Maybe she can even drive you guys to the airport??

And please don't leave without saying goodbye to us :)

Liz said...

Like the new blog design (see, I avoid goodbyes by talking about random things too).

Holly said...

You are hilarious! Fun to see baby numero dos.

Kate said...

So I'll see you in August right?! :-) For real!!

Erin said...

Honestly, I haven't seen you in forever and don't live anywhere near you right now, but reading this still made me a little teary, and I know about the tough Melissa goodbyes. Sounds like you've got an amazing crew of people up there. Loooove seeing baby #2 photos and am SO excited for you. Safe travels and send your new address soon so I can send more snail mail love letters. haha.