Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lake Lessons

Monkey Molly is a leeeeetle hard to contain these days (although it's never been easy and perhaps almost five months of baby belly is a contributing factor) but we may have found some place that she will sit for more than 30 seconds. We went down to the lake this morning (granted, it's only June so maybe the hoards of people will show up later but it was so barely populated on a gorgeous sunny day -- it was really nice) and I think it may be my saving grace this summer. Although I love the ocean beach and will really miss being near the coast, the lake is perfect because there are only small waves (something that Miss Thang looooves and you can't keep her out of) when boats go by so she's not constantly running into the water and there isn't an edge like in a pool from where she can jump. It's just a theory and I could be completely wrong (as usual with my predictions for her) but I'm happy to give this hypothesis a good testing.


fibby said...

mmmmmm - lakes! :-) Here's one good thing about you moving away from Boston: you moved to a place where weather makes people want to go sit/play near a body of water. We just have rain here. Lots and lots of rain.

Liz said...

I love the one of Molly looking out at the pensive. :) What a gorgeous lake. I am a bit of a lake convert myself - they're pretty perfect for little ones.

Kate and Davis said...

It looks so nice and sunny there! And beautiful!