Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal Farm

Many moons ago, I made Molly a felt board with all different scenes -- farm, ocean, faces, etc. She could not have cared less about it and I stowed my felt, stopped googling small felt creatures, and figured it just wasn't her thing. Like all toys in the recycle loop, putting it away was a good thing because when she rediscovered it this week, it was fun and exciting and she was INTENSE about setting her scenes. Fortunately, she hasn't noticed that my animals aren't nearly as good as the professionally made ones that the librarian or her teacher uses (just another notch down on the crafter scale). I didn't think they were so bad that she thought the cow belonged in the sky or that the pond goes on the barn but maybe they are pretty ambiguous...


fibby said...

super-cute. you are an amazing mom - I only hope I have half the creativity you do when the time comes. :-)

Liz said...

Your craftiness never ceases to amaze me!!

Holly said...

Love the felt board! What are the two green pac-man looking things though?