Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eat Your Heart Out

We're back from our quick jaunt to the east coast. We had a lovely time celebrating Jack's six month mark, briefly visiting (always too brief) with some friends and family, and ringing in some good times (and little sleep) with a gorgeous bride-to-be (if you want to see her good looking security detail, check here). John did some solo parenting with both kids, which is always harder when you're away from home, and now we're staying put for awhile. Whew. In other news...

Jack has started enjoying the wider world of fruits, veggies, and grains. He appears as eager to triple our grocery bill as much as his older sister did and I've been hunting around for different veggies (parsnips? never cooked them before but I have to admit that I'm a fan) to keep things interesting (thank goodness for the farmer's market starting up again). Aside from avocados, which Molly wasn't a fan of either, he'll pretty much gobble anything down. His expressions are pretty priceless. The avocado look is sort of "what the hell are you trying to pull on me, lady? I didn't know that paste and toe jam were on the list of first foods" while the banana look was more of "I'll eat this really fast before you realize that it gives me the toots" and everything else is "I'll keep my eyes locked on you (and don't you try and wander around the room) and my mouth in a perfect O so that you can get the spoon in there juuuuust right". 

Messy babies are my specialty (I'm eating all my pre-baby words about feeding pictures being grody) and Jack is clearly really good at getting the wrong end of the spoon to do his bidding. 

Luckily, he's also apparently good at cleaning up his own messes.

Jack isn't the only new eater in the house. Molly's taking very good care of her own brood. She may be on to something with the naked noshing.

1 comment:

Liz said...

What is it with kids and avocados? Neither of mine like them either. I can attest to the fact that you have some good eaters though. And some really good car riders. Great to see you guys last week!