Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good:
It was a glorious day here... sunny, 80 degrees, and just plain lovely (weather-wise). The kids could play outside, the ducks could take up residence in the back yard, and John could make really good progress on the pic-a-nic table. We actually were able to use the table for dinner tonight, which was fantastic. The benches are still a work in progress but we're enjoying what we can!

The Bad and The Ugly:
Jack is sick. The little man has some sort of respiratory issue and we're trying to determine if it's bronchiolitis, asthma, or an infection. He's such a happy little critter and is trying valiantly to stay happy despite having trouble breathing. It's been a bit stressful around here this week and it's a lot of waiting and seeing and trying things out. We have been able to stay home and not be admitted to the hospital thus far but we got a little closer than I would have liked this afternoon. Anyway, I'm guessing things will turn out fine. So many of us know (unfortunately) that helpless feeling of watching your little person be unhappy and it stinks.


Kate and Davis said...

Poor Jack (and the rest of you)! Hope he is better soon.

Liz said...

Hope everything's ok! Thinking of you guys and wishing you weren't so far away.. Feel better soon Jack!

Jessie Reardon said...

are we sure his breathing issues aren't from a sister-induced tackle?

Kate said...

Oh no -- poor Jack. Keep us posted - I guess this is continuing from when he was visiting back East. Poor little man...

Holly said...

Hope Jack is doing ok!!
I'm impressed with the picnic table.