Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mommy Dearest

Happy mother's day to all the mothers in my life, big and small, far and near. A special happy happy to those first time and expectant moms out there -- enjoy your first special day. It's an honor and a privilege to be a mom; to be surrounded by a community of moms makes it even more special. I bet most of the things I know in life (which, sadly, may not be much... especially these days. Has anyone seen my brain cells?) have come through some wisdom or wit from my own mom or one of those special ladies with munchkins at her feet out there. It's not so much that mommyhood is a club (or cult) but a complete way of life, one that I wouldn't trade for all the peace and quiet in the world (but a day of it might not hurt...).

I hope everyone is celebrating someone's mom tomorrow. I'm sending my own some big, international hugs!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers' Day to a great Mom, Melissa!!

Kate and Davis said...

So well put, as usual, Melissa. Happy Mother's Day!

Liz said...

Love the last picture of the little Mommy-in-training. Happy Mothers' Day!