Monday, May 24, 2010

Victoria(ous) Days

We beat all you Statesiders to the punch and had our long, May weekend this weekend (Victoria Day). It wasn't insanely warm (though some thought it was still swimming weather) but it was mild and mostly sunny... sunny enough to finish up one picnic table and benches, build a swing, sit at the beach, and kayak. Perhaps most importantly, Molly's hair has gone up in a ponytail or pigtails each and every day -- pigtails are really more appropriate because her hair curls into little curly cues like a little oinker's tail (and, if you've seen her eat, oinker about sums it all up).

Though the mullet still lives on, the party in the back is at least long enough to put up

Jack is a sly fox when it comes to showing off his new little chompers (unless your finger is anywhere near his mouth and then he'll happily demonstrate how those things work) but there's a little glimpse of the new pearly whites.

Being almost two and a half means working your way up to a bigger swing. Molly will show you how she's two and half by holding up her palm and saying "look! I'm doing it!" meaning she thinks she's folding down her ring and pinky fingers and thumb to show two. Notsomuch. 

In any event, John had some extra lumber lying around and we devised ourselves a swing out of it. Now Molly has two swings since the old swing can't possibly be for Jack... 

The clouds rolled in last night around dinner time so we're going to have our inaugural dinner on our table tonight. I'm impressed with John's meticulous handiwork and so happy to have a place to eat and play outside this summer. Finger painting sounds like a much better idea when there's a hose near by.

p.s. For Holly, the green pac-man like things in the previous post are lily pads. I'm shocked that you can't tell that. I'm actually so far from shocked because I had to wrack my brains myself to remember. 


Kate and Davis said...

Wow- so impressed with the picnic table and swing - between that and the felt board I'd say you are the craftiest parents!

Kate said...

Wow - I'm super impressed. Does John want to come and build us a picnic table - nice work JJ! :-) Agree w/ Katie - you two are winning for the craftiest far (don't worry - I don't think I'll provide any competition!).

Liz said...

Love love love the family photo - that's a keeper! And the ones of Molly on the swing are fantastic too.

Holly said...

Ahh, lily pads, I see it now. I was just confused because they were in the sky. I am actually really impressed with the felt board, I love the cow! Picnic table looks great, you guys are quite the handy duo. And Molly looks absolutely thrilled with her swing. Jack's grin is adorable. :)

Holly said...

Ahh, lily pads, I see it now. I was just confused because they were in the sky. I am actually really impressed with the felt board, I love the cow! Picnic table looks great, you guys are quite the handy duo. And Molly looks absolutely thrilled with her swing. Jack's grin is adorable. :)