Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grammy Comes to Town

Not sure if anyone noticed, I barely have, but I'm still pregnant. The good news is that Wednesday is my due date and babies ALWAYS come out by their due dates, right? Suuuure. Actually, it hasn't been so bad since my mom showed up last week. I've found that as excited as I am to meet Doyle 2.0, I'm enjoying these last few days with just Molly with all the extra help that I now have (have I mentioned that moms are saints? And good cooks and good laundresses and good small toy retrievers?). Despite not knowing that her world is going to be rocked sometime in the next several days (or weeks. Boo), Molly is pretty excited to have Grammy here too. We've been showing her our activities, been going grocery shopping with no meltdowns, and getting some last minute baby stuff done (which Molly assumes is a toy shopping experience for herself). John got to spend his weekend painting Molly's room (I'm not really "detail oriented" and thus not a good painting partner. I painted some windows shut once and I've been banned from the brush since) and it looks great. Good stuff. We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of all the other grandparents too. Judging by the good times the divine Miss M is having now, she won't even notice a tiny little critter moving in.

Ohhhhh, Grammy brought bubble wrap. I'm surprised she didn't giggle this baby out.

The shape sorter is pretty fun. The pentagon and star are big hits. I mean, BIG hits.

Sharing a moment.

Whoopee! Slinky! The funny thing is that the slinky only does one stair at a time. Does it matter? Nope, still entertaining.


Kate and Davis said...

Grammie's are saints - I totally agree. Enjoy the time before the little one arrives - whenever it is. In the mean time we will also look into shipping food from The Grog.

Liz said...

Thank goodness for Grammies! I bet Molly is working some sort of magic spell so she can have Grammy all to herself for just a little while longer.