Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh Baby Baby It's A Wild World

Molly's best bud in Newburyport, Sadie, became a big sister early this morning! Not going to lie, it made me pretty homesick (I think it was this news coupled with our friend Sarah's big engagement news this past weekend that made me really miss home). Jessie and I used to see each other or talk almost every day since we became friends nearly two years ago, first meeting at a new mom's group. We have almost two-year old (gulp) daughters who are ten days apart, and now will have second kids very close in age (our due dates were/are exactly one week apart but Jessie cheated and went a whole week early. Maybe the luck will hold for me?? Please??). In any event, despite missing being able to share in all the latest big events in person, we're thrilled for everyone who have experienced these significant milestones and we send all our hugs and well wishes for happy marriages, happy babies, and happy families. Now, to all the kiddos out there, please stop growing for awhile.

An oldie but goodie -- the new and soon to be new big sisters on the block.

Molly was trying to help us all understand where babies reside before they come out and cause all sorts of trouble. Thanks for the tutorial.

Speaking of where babies reside... I had a couple of requests for the latest belly shot. Here you go, a hippo in all her glory at 38 weeks.

And some shots of Doyle 2.0's little changing room.


Liz said...

Love the newbie's little changing room! So adorable. And your belly - that's adorable too. :)

Kate and Davis said...

I love the new room! So cute. As for you - you look great, not like a hippo.

Jessie Reardon said...

You are not a hippo :) Love that old pic of M & S! Can't believe that D 2.0 is coming ANY DAY NOW!!!