Saturday, October 17, 2009

Panty Raid

Molly has gotten more helpful around the house (helpful being a subjective term, but overall, she can lend a hand more often than she used to). She's no Mr. Helpful like Ethan, but she will pitch in, especially if there's a song to accompany the chore. She picks out her plate at dinner and helps me wipe the table, cleans up some of her toys, and will sometimes help with the unending piles of laundry. Lately, it's been great when she can bend down and hand me stuff to hang out on the line or hand me shirts to fold. Not so great when she wants to unfold stuff or takes off with some of the goods. The other day, she not only absconded with my underwears, but decided to get herself gussied up in them too. I'm pretty sure having my underwears on display is more embarrassing for me than it ever will be for her but, as a parent, I'm used to sacrifice for the greater good, right?

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